Urgent Notice – ELDEN RING Closed Network Test
- 2021.11.11
With regards to the codes sent to winners of the ELDEN RING Closed Network Test (CNT), it has come to our attention that the following problems (1) and (2) have occurred.
We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused to our customers. Please kindly re-register by the following registration deadline, and the code will be re-issued to you.
- Registration deadline: 2021/11/12, 23:59 (JST)
* The code will not be re-issued if you have not re-registered by the registration deadline.
* Please note that there are currently no plans to extend the ELDEN RING CNT or re-implement it in the future.
For each problem, please kindly check the details below on how you can go about to rectify the issue:
(1) About the error message “This PlayStation™ Network Card number cannot be used in this area.”
At the time of the ELDEN RING CNT recruitment, we had customers apply for their desired area, but it was soon discovered that there were restrictions on the different language versions that could be used, depending on the customer’s residential area.
We seek your cooperation in registering for the questionnaire below with your location under the [Region] section, and to check on your supported language.
- English Survey URL: This survey has been closed.
Language supported by each area
- Residents of Thailand / Taiwan / Hong Kong / Korea – Thai / Traditional / Simplified / Korean
- Residents of Indonesia / Singapore / Malaysia – English
* Please note that you can only use the languages supported by each area. Once the registration details are confirmed, the code will be issued again.
(2) About the error message “This code is already used.”
Do kindly contact us via the following email by sharing the code number that you have received, and we will reissue a new code to you.
If you’ve been receiving this error message, please check your email as a replacement code would have been shared with you. If you did not receive the code, please share your old code with your region’s BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment customer support team.
North America: https://support.bandainamcoent.com/hc/en-us
Europe: https://service-en.bandainamcoent.eu/
South East Asia (Singapore/Malaysia/Indonesia/Thailand): https://bandainamcoent.asia/contact-us/
Once again, we deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused to everyone who will be taking part in the ELDEN RING CNT, and we will strive to prevent a recurrence.
We look forward to your continued patronage.
Thank you.
ELDEN RING NIGHTREIGN Network Test Registration! -
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